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Feed the Hungry

Our Feed the Hungry Sack Lunch Ministry began 2 decades ago with 50 sack lunches and now boasts countless volunteers who serve an average of 2,000 brown bag lunches to the homeless and to families in need in Central Kentucky. Sack Lunch Distribution currently takes place each Monday from 2:30pm - 4:30pm at the Grace Baptist Church Outreach Ministry Center.


The most recent addition to our Feed the Hungry Ministry is a hot lunch program which operates out of Grace Baptist Church in downtown Lexington. 


A Food Box ministry has also been a welcome addition which serves families in need of non-perishable grocery support. Food Box Distribution takes place each Thursday from 2:30pm - 4:30pm at the Grace Baptist Church Outreach Ministry Center.


Feed the Hungry ministry is most efficient when local churches work together and share resources and volunteers.  If you or your church would like to know more about getting involved in Feed the Hungry, please click the button below. 

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