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Announcing the Upcoming EQUIP Leadership Lunches: Connecting, Growing, and Equipping

We are thrilled to announce the upcoming series of EQUIP Leadership Lunches, designed specifically for pastors and church leaders within the Central Kentucky Network of Baptists (CKNB). These gatherings offer a unique opportunity for fellowship, connection, and growth as we strive to partner for kingdom work.

Purpose of EQUIP Leadership Lunches

EQUIP Leadership Lunches serve a dual purpose. Firstly, they provide a space for pastors and church leaders to deepen their connections with one another, fostering a sense of community and partnership. Secondly, these lunches are dedicated to personal and professional growth, featuring special guests who will speak on various leadership topics, partnership opportunities, and spiritual development.

Exciting Lineup and Special Guests

Our upcoming EQUIP Lunches promise to be filled with delicious food and inspiring presentations from distinguished guests who will help us continue our mission of investing in the leaders of CKNB.


August: Living Hope Fellowship, Lexington

Guest Speaker: Tim Hawkins

We will kick off the series in August at Living Hope Fellowship in Lexington with Tim Hawkins, a missionary to Germany with Converge International Ministries. Tim will share about the incredible work taking place in Berlin and lead a discussion on how local churches can better partner with individual missionaries on foreign fields.


September: CenterPoint Church, Lexington

Guest Speaker: Logos Bible Software Team

In September, we will gather at CenterPoint Church in Lexington, where we will welcome the team from Logos Bible Software. Logos is the leading Bible study and sermon preparation software, featuring ever-evolving tools and libraries designed to equip pastors and church leaders with resources to better serve their congregations. The team will host a presentation on how to utilize this powerful tool, and all attendees will receive amazing discounts towards purchasing Logos or upgrading their current package.


October: Cadentown Missionary Baptist Church, Lexington

Guest Speaker: Reuben Watson

The October EQUIP Lunch will be held at Cadentown Missionary Baptist Church in Lexington. We will be joined by Reuben Watson from Sunrise Children's Services, who will provide a report on the ministry and engage in discussion about how churches can partner with this great work serving children across the Commonwealth.


November: Southern Heights Baptist Church, Lexington

Special Event: Church Prepared Workshop with KBC

November's event will be an extended EQUIP Leadership Lunch as we welcome the Kentucky Baptist Convention (KBC) for a special one-day Church Prepared Workshop at Southern Heights Baptist Church in Lexington. This important training event will begin at 10:00am and end at 2:00pm, with a duplicate session held that evening at 6:00pm to accommodate lay leaders and bivocational pastors.


Mark Your Calendars

We invite you to mark your calendars for these enriching EQUIP Leadership Lunch events. You don't want to miss a single one as we gather to connect, grow, and equip one another for the vital work of the kingdom.

Stay tuned for more details and be sure to join us as we continue to invest in our pastors and leaders within the Central Kentucky Network of Baptists. See you there!


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