by Derek Holmes, CKNB Communications Specialist Lexington, KY - January 10, 2024
The January EQUIP Leadership Lunch, a monthly gathering for pastors and church leaders in the Central Kentucky Network of Baptist Churches (CKNB), saw a great New Year turnout Tuesday at Immanuel Baptist Church's Tates Creek Campus. Attendees were treated to an enlightening session featuring guest speakers Pastors Stephen Crenshaw and Chris Spalding, who serve as Stateside representatives of the missionary organization 20 Schemes.
20 Schemes is a mission organization committed to bringing the message of Jesus Christ to impoverished regions of Scotland by establishing 20 churches in the nation's major "scheme" housing communities. The organization aims to address the spiritual needs of communities where atheism is the predominant religious affiliation, as shared by Stephen Crenshaw during the EQUIP Leadership Lunch.
Crenshaw presented alarming statistics highlighting the urgency of missionary involvement in Scotland. With atheism as the primary religious affiliation, and an increasing number of humanist funeral services outnumbering Christian services, the need for a gospel presence in these communities is evident. The EQUIP event provided a platform for pastors and church leaders to gain insights into the challenges faced by these communities and explore opportunities for engagement.
Attendees were not only inspired by the mission but were also informed about practical ways their congregations could contribute. Crenshaw and Spalding emphasized the significance of monetary support and encouraged church leaders to consider organizing short-term mission trips to actively engage with the communities in Scotland.
"The statistics presented by Stephen were eye-opening. It's clear that there is a significant need for the gospel in Scotland, and as church leaders, we have a responsibility to respond," said one of the pastors in attendance.
A highlight of the event was the generous provision of lunch for all participants by 20 Schemes. Qdoba catered the event, providing a delicious spread that fostered fellowship and networking among the pastors and church leaders.
As the EQUIP Leadership Lunch continues to bring together leaders from various congregations, it serves as a catalyst for collaboration and unity in addressing various ministry needs and opportunities. The challenges presented by 20 Schemes in Scotland underscored the vital role local churches can play in reaching communities with the transformative power of the gospel.
The event concluded with a call to action, encouraging churches to prayerfully consider their involvement in supporting the missionary efforts in Scotland. As the EQUIP Leadership Lunch continues its monthly gatherings, we hope to see many more leaders in our association take part in the conversations and growth opportunities provided
The next EQUIP Lunch will be Tuesday, February 6th, held at Versailles Baptist Church, where the CKNB special called Task Force will lead a Town Hall discussion designed to assess the Network's current effectiveness, current church needs and gain insight in planning the future of associational life in Central Kentucky.