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KBC Event: Pastors, Reserve Your Spot for Shepherding 2024

from KBC Events Promoted in syndication via CKNB News


Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood. Acts 20:28 (NIV)

When the Apostle Paul sent for the Ephesian elders to meet him in Miletus (Acts 20), he reminded them of the necessity to “keep watch” over their flocks, but to also keep watch over themselves. The Shepherding conference is designed with both those in mind.

Shepherding 2024 will be held once again in Lexington at the Marriot Griffin Gate Resort, one of the state's premiere resort hotels. At the conference, you can expect to have a great weekend with your spouse as you are fed well both physically and spiritually as well as given a time of refreshing for the mind, body and soul.

Event Details

  • Where: Griffin Gate Marriott Resort & Spa in Lexington, Kentucky

  • When: February 8-10, 2024, Registration begins at 1:30 p.m. EST and concludes Saturday before noon

  • Who: Pastors and their wives

  • Cost: $250 per couple Includes lodging, conference materials, and meals except for Friday’s “date night.” The registration fee covers only a portion of the costs associated with this event. The remainder is provided by Baptist Health and the Cooperative Program.

As always, KBC has put together a great lineup with a surprise or two thrown in as well. Space is limited, so make sure you don't miss the opportunity to register for this amazing event.

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