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Local Church Partnerships Key for Feed The Hungry Ministry

One of the great things about Baptist life is the commitment our churches have to partnership for gospel and compassion ministry. One of the shining examples of that partnership in our Network is the Feed the Hungry ministry...

Feed the Hungry began in the mid 1990s as a sack-lunch program. Several churches from our local Baptist Association (now called the Central Kentucky Network of Baptists) contributed funds and volunteers. The ministry has been “housed” in various locations around town and ended up at Grace Baptist Church in Lexington many years ago as a Thursday sack-lunch program. In time, a Monday hot meal was added which eventually replaced the sack-lunch program in 2016. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the hot meal was discon)nued, and the “walk-up window” distribution system was implemented.

Grace Baptist Church partners with God’s Pantry to obtain the food. In fact, Grace is one of the largest partners with God’s Pantry in all of Lexington. Each month some 23,000-25,000 lbs (or more) of food made available through God’s Pantry is picked up from their warehouse and from local grocery and convenience stores. We even collect food from Pizza Hut! Then, all of this food is distributed to Fayede County residents on Mondays and Thursdays at Grace. Feed the Hungry truly is an amazing ministry that serves a community hungry for food and the gospel!

23,000-25,000 lbs of food each month (or more) - that’s an average of 12-13 tons each month which adds up to some 300,000 lbs each year - or up to 150 tons annually! That is a lot of food. God is good!

Additional churches, including Versailles Baptist Church Anchor Baptist Church, and Immanuel Baptist Church, contribute money, volunteers, and/or desserts or canned goods to help with the ministry. Perhaps your church would like to participate through contributions or volunteers?

Feed the Hungry also receives some funding from the Central Kentucky Network of Baptists and the Elkhorn Baptist WMU, as well as donations from individuals around the region and beyond.

We appreciate all support. Together, we are bringing physical and spiritual nourishment to our community in the name of Christ!


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